Sunday 19 October 2014

A random philosophical thought

There are these moments in life which are really special, where you just KNOW that there is some magic involved in them. About which it’s not even worth the effort trying to describe them because it can be only felt. It creeps up on you when you were least expecting it. It can include the smallest of things like the feeling you get when you have achieved something remarkable, that unexplainable spark and connection you feel when meeting someone really special for the first time, having a deep conversation with someone, attending a fantastic music concert in a cold winters night, the day your pet enters your household spreading so much of joy and uniting your family, those places and sights during travel which knock your breath away, floating in a beautiful beach in the middle of nowhere feeling every pore of your body relaxing, random kisses, those periods of uncontrollable laughter with your best friends, attending a wedding ceremony where you are convinced of the fact that you are in the presence of true love, a person making you feel incredibly special through a very sweet and thoughtful gesture etc. I guess most of the times it’s another person who is responsible for these kind of moments. I suppose I now understand one of the main reasons why people have such a tough time getting over breakups. It’s because their partner gave them these kinds of moments of euphoria and with them gone, they wonder if they will ever be able to feel the same way again. 

Of course these are the moments which make life worth living. But sometimes I think that people pine and cling on to them more than necessary. They put those people who were responsible for creating these moments too much on a pedestal. Majority of the time, the moments in our life is 'unremarkable'. What about those people who help you get by these 'dull', 'uninspiring' and 'monotonous' moments? Those people who stick with you no matter what, provide support and love, those who you trust and can count on, those who offer a kind word of encouragement, who randomly make you smile….parents, friends, cousins even acquaintances. Forget people, what about all the music, good books, simple walks….those small things in life which we take for granted because they provide intermittent happiness and not that intoxicating euphoria which we all crave for. Of course the people who manage to make you feel feelings which are on another level of the stratosphere are special. But maybe I have hit the realization that more special are those people who are solid during those periods which we describe with a sigh “that life just goes on”…those are the people worth cherishing and worthy of more appreciation.