Wednesday 12 March 2014

MH 370 mystery

Have really been disturbed and hauntingly intrigued by the news of the disappearance of the Malaysian airlines flight to Beijing 5 days back. After all in this age of sophisticated technology, how can an airlines just disappear into thin air with everything seemingly fine before it mysteriously vanishes from the radar? Also with all the multi country intensive effort, how is it proving to be so difficult to locate this plane? It must be just so unbearable and devastating for the relatives of the passengers of this plane to have no clue what has happened to their loved ones. More than anything else, it is perhaps the feeling of utter, sheer helplessness they must be experiencing as all they can possibly do in such a garbage dump of a situation is to wait and pray. The fact is not knowing is probably a million times worse than knowing for sure that the worst possible outcome has taken place because somewhere humans by nature have the tendency to cling on to the tiniest of hope, however unreasonable, that things might just turn out to be ok. I am a great believer in hope but in the event of the most tragic outcome taking place and not having knowledge of it - this very same hope can prevent you from getting closure and ultimately moving on in life with time. I saw this picture splashed on a news site of a 4 year old Chinese girl praying for her father to return safely. There was something about that photo which just makes you feel that someone has wrenched your heart out of your body and powdered it into pieces. It made me think how much we take our life and our loved ones for granted. That it can just take a microsecond for our world to crash. That we fret over and feel sorry for ourselves and our lives over the most IDIOTIC SHITTY things in life. That it is just a matter of pure luck and chance (and maybe a God) that we or a loved one is not at the wrong place at the wrong time. There are so many theories floating around including frightening possibilities like a terrorist attack etc. I really think it would be very insensitive and disrespectful from my part to the feelings of the relatives and friends of those passengers who must be going through such agony and increasing mental torture with each passing minute to speculate and debate over what's the most 'logical' explanation of what must have happened on this forum especially in the scenario of almost zilch evidence. I found it sickening that in todays news they were casting aspersions over the competency of the young 27 year old co pilot over some past irresponsible behavior. God, if you are listening, now would really a good time to validate the belief of your most ardent of your followers and convince your skeptics that miracles do exist..

Latest Update: The Malaysian PM has officially declared the plane as lost. Really hope for the sake of family and friends of all the passengers and crew on board, that they discover with concrete evidence, what happened to the damn plane.

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