Wednesday 23 May 2012

'Lucky' Chelsea and the Zuckerberg hitch...

When I kept the name 'Meandering Thoughts' for my blog, it was to convey the intention that my writings can be about any darn subject on the earth and that my thoughts have no clear direction. So now, would just like to comment on a couple of 'light' things that made headlines last week -

- Chelsea wins the 2012 Champions League trophy
I greatly surprise myself writing about a sport other than cricket! And I don't profess to be an expert on this area of sport at all. But I'd like to think that I posses competent knowledge to get by all thanks to the footie fanatics that surround me
Anyway, coming to the point - Most people were downright surprised even annoyed that Chelsea won Europe's most coveted football trophy. It was incomprehensible to them that luck was so kind to Chelsea who were visibly 'inferior' in skill compared to the likes of Barcelona and Bayern Munich. But the fact is that a lot of times in life - it is not just talent but sheer resilience that gets you through the finish line.....and Chelsea possessed loads of that. Defending against class acts like Messi, playing with 10 men in the semis, your opposition scoring in the last ten minutes after defending your ass off against such class and dominance, playing the finals in front of your opposition's home crowd are all situations which could easily intimidate any team but Chelsea proved true the cliche that battles are won in the mind. According to sheer football logic, Bayern should have been crowned European champions that night, but as the saying goes - Fortune does favour the brave!
I think its for moments like these that people follow sport. Its not just the entertainment value or the emotional attachment to a team but its also the inspiration that they get from the human spirit viz a vi the action on a sports pitch which can never be underestimated and scoffed on. And God knows we need that in today's world.

- Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg marries long time girlfriend Priscilla Chan 
mark_zuckerberg_wedding_logoI was one of the many who saw their inspirational image of Mark Zuckerberg torn to shreds after watching the excellent movie 'Social Network'. After all, I don't hold betraying your best friend, arrogance and stealing from others (even if it intellectual property theft) without giving due credit even in the name of ambition of changing the world, in high regard. But the news of his marriage somehow managed to view him in more favourable light.
To explain how, I'd like to start by asking you - Have you noticed most famous sportsmen have girlfriends/wives who are models. It might be an unfair generalization but it seems to be that rich and famous male celebrities have the tendency to parade trophy wives/girlfriends. They say that a woman's loyalty is tested when the man has nothing and a man's loyalty is tested when he has everything. My point is Mark - with all his fame and wealth (he's a frikking 28 year old billionaire!) could get possibly any girl on the planet, but he opts to stick with his long time girlfriend who is bloody smart as her Harvard and medicine qualifications would suggest. Moreover, she was with him long before he became the phenomenon that he's now and has obviously been by his side through all the good and bad times. Hence, I laud Mark for not succumbing to the  temptations that come with being in the 'on demand' league and for making a seemingly good choice. I know for a fact that along with a lot of people, I am rooting for their marriage to work and wish them all the best.

Lastly, it is also the week where in Indian politics, the sorry, pathetic UPA 2 government has completed 3 years of its term. Their biggest achievement: Managing to hold on to power despite the the scathing criticism of its appalling governance and overflowing public anger.

*Picture sources: Troll Football and Google images

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