Friday 15 July 2016

Bhai's misogynist comment - too pervasive for comfort

Post #2

Actor Salman Khan or 'Bhai' as he is referred made a shocking comment which created a furore across the country. Talking about playing a wrestler in his film, he idiotically remarked:

"When I used to walk out of the ring, after the shoot, I used to feel like a raped woman. I couldn't walk straight,"

This resulted in him being slapped with notices by National Commission for Women and Delhi Commission for Women asking him to tender an apology. I for obvious reasons am not a fan of Bhai. But the fact is that immediately after passing this distasteful comment, he apologized for it.
But let's get to the more disturbing fact. Using rape analogy is very pervasive in common language even among educated. I can't even begin to explain how many times I have heard phrases like "I got raped in the interview", "My <insert favourite sports team> got raped yesterday." etc etc etc. Not to mention the overgenerous use of the despicable MF/SF/MC/BC words (I for the life of me have never understood why to insult people, you need to drag in their mothers and sisters in between) as nouns, verbs, adjectives you name it. No one apologizes for that.Hell no one even thinks its a big deal. Its accepted as a part of normal language and culture with no one batting an eyelid let alone notices from NCW/DCW being slapped on people who use such language (to think of it, if every person who used such violent language were issued such notices, the number of notices to be issued would probably require the amount of paper that would deforest our entire nation)

Which is why I am surprised at the MASSIVE coverage that Bhai's comment got. I suppose its because he is a celebrity. I think the best thing that happen out of this episode is if ordinary citizens can reflect on the violence of the language that they use on a daily basis without thinking and be more conscious of not tacitly encouraging violence against women by using such language. 

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