Friday 22 July 2016

Children's books - Really for kids?

Post #3

I randomly came across a FB post which had the quote from "Wizard of Oz"

"I know I have a heart because it is breaking."

I very very vaguely remember this being a line from Tinman who doesn't have a heart and has approached the Wizard of Oz to magically give him one because he wants to experience human feelings.

I was quite bowled over at the depth of this quote. Today I look at this quote and it means so much more than what it appears on the surface. Point is that coming from a book probably everyone read as a kid, who would think a children's book would contain such profound lines!

When I discussed this with a very good friend, as wise and brilliant as she is, she gave a fabulous insight on this. She said that she had come across a theory that some of these 'children's' books (like the ones from Dr. Seuss) weren't written for children. They were in fact written for the adults who were reading these stories out to their kids!

I find this to be very interesting indeed. I'll definitely look out for such hidden gems in such childhood tales when I get the opportunity to read out stories to the future generation. 

1 comment:

  1. there are some really wonderful stories in the 'Children's books' section that can be enjoyed by adults as well..
